Service Is Our Specialty Case Study 6: Transforming Cardiac Device Clinics- A Case Study in Collaboration and Innovation

By James Allred MD


With the rapid growth of device clinics and the advent of increasingly sophisticated technologies, the challenge of managing limited staffing resources has come to the forefront. In such a landscape, overwhelming alert notifications can be not just disruptive but detrimental to both staff well-being and patient outcomes. Consultation and optimization services for device clinics are emerging as a critical need. Enter CV Remote Solutions—where our unique offering in device clinic consultation and optimization can be an important solution for many device clinics today.

The Initial Challenge

Among our various partnerships, one clinic stands out for its revolutionary approach in the cardiac care space.  Managing over 5,000 Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIEDs), the clinic faced an overwhelming volume of remote transmissions, many of which were non-actionable and took away from valuable clinical time. This was not just a technical issue; it was a hurdle to optimized patient care.

Our Unique Approach: Consultation and Optimization

Unlike other service providers, CV Remote Solutions offers an unparalleled service in device clinic consultation and optimization. Our team embarked on an intensive and highly collaborative consultation project with the clinic. We evaluated existing workflows, interviewed the device clinic team, and reviewed procedural protocols to identify opportunities for streamlining operations.

An Array of Alert Challenges

One immediate revelation was the inconsistency in device programming and alert settings across various vendors—Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Abbott, and Biotronik. Such variations contributed to the influx of non-actionable alerts that the clinic received daily.

Tailored Solutions: Standardization and More

To address these challenges, CV Remote Solutions held meetings and facilitated collaborative discussions with each of the four vendors, aiming to establish a unified standard of care that would be consistently applied. We then collaborated with the clinic to initiate uniform programming of devices and alert settings, specifically designed to match medical indications for each patient.

For the long-term sustainability of these improvements, we developed a protocol for alert-based programming at the time of new device implantation with industry support. This ensures that every new device is aligned with industry standards from implant.

Transformative Results

The results have been transformative:

  • A significant reduction in non-actionable alerts from > 60% to < 35%.
  • The clinic has been able to redirect its focus to other vital areas such as in-office device checks, satellite device clinic support, and maintaining device connectivity and compliance.

Moreover, this project has dramatically reduced the service burden on the clinic’s industry partners, a win-win scenario that ultimately benefits patient care and all stakeholders involved.

The Future: A New Gold Standard

The collaboration between CV Remote Solutions and this pioneering device clinic sets a precedent. Our unique consultation and optimization services have not only transformed the functioning of a single clinic but have also laid down a roadmap that others in the industry can follow.


CV Remote Solutions is not just another service provider; we are pioneers in device clinic consultation and optimization. Our collaborations don’t just solve problems—they revolutionize workflows and set new industry standards. This case study is a testament to the exceptional value that targeted, expert consultation can bring to cardiac device clinics, their industry partners, and most importantly, to patient care.

Should you wish to optimize your cardiac remote monitoring workflows, contact our team at

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